Ba é Conchúr Ó Muadaigh a thug an chéad óráid uaidh ón ardán os comhair Halla na Cathrach ag an Lá Dearg mBéal Feirste Dé Sathairn agus na mílte Gael ag éisteacht leis. Tá téacs na hóráide sin foilsithe ina hiomlán anseo ar NÓS.

A chairde,
Tá na Crogaill ar ais! The Crocodiles are back!
Fáilte romhaibh a chairde gaoil chuig an lá stairiúil seo; lá mór eile mar chuid d’aistear fada i dtreo cearta teanga anseo sna Sé Chontae.
Ba mhaith linn ár mbuíochas a chur in iúl daoibh uilig inniu, gach duine a sheas linn, gach duine a shiúil linn agus gach duine a thacaíonn leis an Fheachtas Dearg gach lá. Is libhse an lá seo!
The Irish language community and all of our friends have turned out in our thousands today to show that we are a vibrant and growing community, atá ag dul ó neart go neart.
Cé go bhfuil mise agus Gaeil eile ag caint libh inniu, tá scaifte leathan de dhíograiseoirí́ atá ag obair go leanúnach le beagnach sé bliana anuas ar an fheachtas dochreidte seo. Ba mhaith liom mo bhuíochas a ghabháil libh. Mo cheol sibh ar fad!
The British Government, political Unionism and others hoped that this issue would go away, that our energy would disappear and our attention would move onto other matters. The An Dream Dearg Movement ensured that didn’t happen as a result of the diverse network of dedicated activists who demonstrated commitment, creativity and resilience to stand up passionately for our language, often in the face of hostility and outright sectarianism.
Tá síol curtha agus tá sí ag fás agus ag bláthú gach lá. D’fhoghlaim muid ó na glúnta a tháinig romhainn; ó cheannairí Bhóthar Seoighe, go ceannródaithe agus bunaitheoirí gach Gaelscoil os mo chomhair inniu – agus déanann muid céiliúradh speisialta inniu ar Bhunscoil Phobal Feirste atá ag ceiliúradh 50 bliain ar an fhód.
50 years ago when those pioneers established the first Irish medium school here, which kick-started our community revival they were met with threats of imprisonment – 50 years later our community is still subject to legislative discrimination and political marginalisation. But weremain resolute and committed, níor ghéill muid agus ní ghéillfidh! Tá muid dóchasach agus múiníneach.
Ach tá an domhan anseo ag athrú agus is muid atá ag tiomáint an athruithe sin. We are standing on the shoulders of giants – the generations of activists who came before us laid the foundations for everything I see in front of me today: Pobal láidir, pobal muiníneach, pobal gníomhach, pobal dearg.
Seasaim os bhur comhair inniu mar ionadaí bródúil ar an Dream Dearg, mar ionadaí bródúil ar ghlúin úr de Ghaeil a tógadh trí mheán na Gaeilge. D’fhreastail mé ar Ghaelscoil na bhFál, ansin bhog mé ar aghaigh chuig Coláiste Feirste, agus d’oibrigh mé i m’oibrí óige in Iarthar Bhéal Feirste ag cothú seirbhísí óige taobh amuigh de gheataí na scoile.
Aithním go mór an luach a bhaineann leis an Ghaeilge agus leis an phobal teanga s’againn. Is ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann muid ar fad.

Our recent journey for rights was mirrored by other marginalised groups asserting rights that have been denied for far too long and we re-affirm our solidarity with those who have campaigned tirelessly for a rights based society and equality for all. And coming from Ballymurphy I want to express support with the ballymurphy families and those families, relatives and survivors who are fighting against Boris’s Bill of Shame this week and we will be joining you this Tuesday! Seasann muid libh a chairde cróga!
In the decade to come, progressive movements and community based, grassroots campaigns like ours will be required to join dots and work together in the interests of a brighter future. An Dream Dearg will play our part.
Domsa, tá mé ag smaoineamh ar mo theaghlach féin agus ar mo mhac óg bliain d’aois Naoise. Ba mhaith liom é a thógáil in áit a mbeidh meas ar a rogha teanga agus ar a rogha oideachais. I sochaí inár féidir leis bláthú gan srian nó constaic.
Let’s demand a different future for the next generation of Gaeilgeoirí. Ní ghlacfaidh muid le sop in áit na scuaibe – We will not be treated as second class citizens in our own country; we will be respected and recognised in law. We will have an Irish language Act. The clock is not going back, the tide of change is coming.
Inseoidh an stair gur shiúil muid an bóthar fada, agus gur cuireadh inár gcoinne arís agus arís eile, gur sháraigh muid polasaithe lofa an stáit seo chun ár dteanga a shábháil agus a chur ar ais i mbéal an phobail.
History tells of how the northern state and indeed the very institution behind us presided over a long regime that was built on discrimination, marginalisation and exclusion of Irish speakers. But no more. Today, with Gaels having descended on Béal Feirste Cois Cuain from every corner of this beautiful island in support of our campaign for rights, we say loud and proud; the Irish language and our community are here to stay and we will ensure it flourishes in the time ahead.
Ó sheas muid ar an ardán seo in 2017, d’éirigh linn cuid cuid mhór a bhaint amach.
We now have a majority in Belfast, Dublin and even London for language rights.
Bhain muid an díospóireacht. The debate is over. It’s now a case of when, not if, our rights are recognised.
Ach ní mór dúinn bheith ionraic – ní seo an tAcht Gaeilge a bhí uainn; ní
shocróidh sé gach fadhb agus beidh orainn troid ar aghaidh.
This legislation isn’t strong enough, it isn’t our final destination by any means. So we recommit today to fight on, to strengthen it, to win more protections for our communities and our schools.
Níl muid ag an deireadh ach ag an tús. Má tá táithí ar bith againn ar an stát seo, caithfidh muid i gcónaí bheith réidh don troid, don leatrom agus don chos ar bolg.
This legislation is but another staging post and a historic advancement on our long campaign for language rights and equality. Is am don ghníomh anois é. Tá sé in am don chur i bhfeidhm. Tá sé in am do chearta teanga agus don chomhionannas.
Tá teachtaireacht iontach soiléir againn don aos polaitiúil. Our message is clear to the political parties that support us, to the British and Irish governments who co-authored and co-guaranteed all of the internationally binding political agreements. Our rights matter and in spite of the positive soundbites from the British Government recently, unless resolute action is taken to deliver rights for our community, rachaidh muid chun sráide arís agus arís eile. Níl muinín ar bith againn ionaibh. Ní ghlacfaidh muid leis na breagacha arís agus arís eile.
We cannot have another mandate of false dawns, discrimination and reneging of agreements or another extended period of a functioning executive which continues to discriminate against Irish speakers. Tá athrú ar an bhealach. Tá bua ar an bhealach agus is libhse an bhua stairiúil sin.
We are nearly there, a chairde. 101 years after the founding of a state where our native language was excluded by design, Irish Language rights are finally on the way. The days of our language and our community being unseen and unheard are over. Acht Anois is incoming. Change is incoming. As my friend and deargóir Padaí Ó Tiarnaigh often says – ‘being invisible is no longer an option!’
Our community is in full bloom and is here to stay but most importantly We are a risen people and our young people will be heard and their language will be visible in every corner of this state. Because we have every right to be respected and celebrated as an integral part of a diverse, pluralist and just society.
Let’s send a clear message to the DUP and others; The days of the orange state and unionist supremacy are over! The days of the insults and attacks are over, the days of discrimination and marginalisation are over, and those days are never, ever coming back.
A Chairde – leanfaimid orainn ag eagrú, ag agóidíocht, ag stocaireacht agus ag troid gan stad gan staonadh go dtí go bhfaighimid ár gcearta. Leanfaidh muid orainn fosta ag tógail pobail, ag samhlú todhchaí úr agus is cinnte go bhfeicfidh muid Éirí na Gealaí.
Siúlaimis le chéile Seasaimis le chéile Scairtimis le chéile. Anois an t-am – Acht Anois!